Best Redis Courses, Tutorials, and Certifications – Updated [March 2025]

Our team at SkillComplete, have compiled the list of Best Content Marketing courses, tutorials, training, certifications, and classes available online on leading online learning platforms such as Udemy, Coursera, Edx, LinkedIn learning, to help you learn Content Marketing. Our team has also researched other top courses such as ElasticSearch, and Data Engineering courses. This article also includes free resources to help you in your learning journey. The listed programs are suitable for all developer levels, including beginner, intermediate and advanced. Let us look at a brief introduction about Redis.

What is Redis?

Redis stands for Remote Directory Server. It is a BSD licensed, open-source, in-memory data structure store. The core concept of this database server is key-value mapping (just like MEMCached), which makes it suitable to support multiple data structures such as lists, sets, etc.

If your goal is to implement a highly available in-memory cache with decreased latency, increased throughput, and a relatively lower load on your database, then Redis is your answer!

Redis Features.

  • Improved response times; as low as sub-milliseconds.
  • Easily scalable to accommodate the higher load.
  • Supports complex data structures such as lists, hashes, and sorted sets.
  • Its partitioning technique called sharding makes it capable of processing numerous write requests simultaneously.
  • Its compatibility with other databases makes it reliable to be used as a primary database.
  • It comes in handy where a high amount of replication and efficiency is desirable.

Best Redis Courses available online:


Redis Bootcamp for Beginners: Get Hands-On with Redis [Udemy]

Go To Course | Rating: 4.8 out of 5.0 stars

It is one of the best-rated Redis courses available on the Udemy platform. If you wish to learn Redis from scratch, the learners highly rate it. It is one of the top Redis courses if you are looking for a hands-on learning experience for Redis 6. Apart from the basic concepts, you will learn other advanced features like Pub/Sub, No SQL database, Transactions, Hyperlog log.

Key points:

• The course uses latest Redis version.
• Learn advanced features of Redis such as Pub/Sub and Hyperlog log.
• Comes with a 30 day money back guarantee.

Pre-requisites: A laptop and an internet connection. No prior knowledge of SQL databases is necessary.

Duration: 10 hours 50 minutes | Level: All levels | Access: Lifetime | Certificate: Certificate of completion


Learning Redis [LinkedIn Learning]

Go To Course | Rating: 4.6 out of 5.0 stars

If you are looking for a short course on in-memory data structure-store Redis for beginners, look no further! The positive point of this tutorial is that you can earn a sharable certificate to showcase the knowledge gained.

Key points:

• The course is targetted at beginners who wish to learn Redis.
• You will gain fundamental knowledge of Redis.
• This tutorial comes with sharable certificate of completion.

Pre-requisites: No previous knowledge about NoSQL or Redis is required.

Duration: 1 hour 56 minutes | Level: Beginner | Access: Lifetime | Certificate: Certificate of completion


Web Application Development using Redis, Express, and Socket [Udemy]

Go To Course | Rating: 4.6 out of 5.0 stars

Building scalable, real-time applications using the Node.js framework from scratch is now easy! Packt’s video learning tutorial about implementing applications on websites using SocketIO, Express, and Redis provides logical and stepwise guidance that makes it easy and fun to learn Redis. It is ideally suited for beginners and comes with a certificate of completion.

Key points:

• The course focuses on hand-on learning approach.
• Learn to integrate Redis with other services to build websites.

Pre-requisites: Beginner knowledge of JavaScript is desirable.

Duration: 6 hours | Level: Beginner | Access: Lifetime | Certificate: Certificate of completion


Redis – World’s Fastest Database – Beginners to Advance [Udemy]

Go To Course | Rating: 4.3 out of 5.0 stars

The best-seller course to learn the world’s fastest database – Redis. Deep dive into Redis database by learning real-world production scenarios. This course is appropriate for all learners – beginners, intermediates, and experts, and trusted as one of the top Redis courses for its employees by Top businesses worldwide such as Netflix, Nasdaq, Eventbrite, etc.

Key points:

• This is the bestseller course of Redis on Udemy platform.
• It covers all the fundamentals of Redis.

Pre-requisites: Although this course does not require any prior knowledge, some previous experience working with Linux and Key-Value DB can help understand the course faster.

Duration: 6 hours | Level: All Levels | Access: Lifetime | Certificate: Certificate of completion


Learn Redis [Udemy]

Go To Course | Rating: 4.7 out of 5.0 stars

Jesse Boyer has created a short course to help you learn the all-powerful in-memory database Redis. Learn to use Redis via client easily, and Pub/Sub and other bonus features. A quick tutorial of fewer than two hours to gain fundamental knowledge of the Redis database and integrate the DB with PHP or Python. This tutorial targets people who want to upgrade their skill set, software developers, web developers, Python/ PHP developers, etc.

Key points:

• This is a crash course on Redis database.
• A quick guide to using Redis via client and other bonus features.

Pre-requisites: Familiarity with Terminal, Relational database, PHP/Python is preferred but not required.

Duration: 1.5 hours | Level: Intermediate | Access: Lifetime | Certificate: Certificate of completion


Redis: An Enhanced Key-Value Store [Coursera]

Go To Course | Rating: 4.4 out of 5.0 stars

You will become familiar with techniques using real-time and semi-structured data examples through guided hands-on tutorials. The discussed systems and tools include AsterixDB, HP Vertica, Impala, Neo4j, Redis, and SparkSQL. This course provides techniques to extract value from existing untapped data sources and discover new data sources. It is a highly rated free resource for Coursera members offered by the University of San Diego.

Key points:

• The course showcases real-time examples to learn Redis.
• This course also covers sought-after tools like AsterixDB, Impala, Neo4j, etc.

Pre-requisites: No prior knowledge of Redis is required.

Duration: 1 hour | Level: Intermediate | Access: Till membership | Certificate: Certificate of completion.


Master Redis – From Beginner to Advanced, 20+ hours [Udemy]

Go To Course | Rating: 4.4 out of 5.0 stars

Learn about Redis Data, Publish/Subscribe Models, Piping, Replication, Clusters, Lua Scripts, RediSearch, RedisJSON through a detailed video tutorial series. Deep dive into Redis Data structures and discover what’s new in Redis 6.2 with 21.5 hours of on-demand videos, 128 articles, and 43 downloadable resources. Become a Redis expert with Adnan’s best practices, tips, and tricks.

Key points:

• The course intends to vover Pub/Sub, Redis data, Replication, and RediSearch.
• Detailed information about Redis Data structureas.
• Comes with downloadable resources and 100+ bonus articles.

Pre-requisites: No pre-knowledge is required: They’ll teach you absolutely everything you need to know!

Duration: 21.5 hours | Level: All levels | Access: Lifetime | Certificate: Certificate of completion


Become a Redis Certified Developer: Practice Exams [Udemy]

Go To Course | Rating: 4.8 out of 5.0 stars

Are you looking to become a Redis certified developer? This course offers TWO complete original and high-quality practice tests of 80 questions each must help you become a Redis Certified Developer, passing the Redis University proctored certification exam. Exact domains as in the actual exam: General, Keys, Data Structures, Data Modeling, Debugging, Performance, Clustering.

Key points:

• This course is targetted at professional preparing for Redis certification.
• The Questions of the pratice tests closely emulate most from the actual exam.
• Detailed explanation is given for each question.

Pre-requisites: Checks your Redis knowledge.

Duration: Self-paced | Level: Intermediate | Access: Lifetime | Certificate: No certificate


Learn Redis at Redis University [Redis University]

Learn online with other enrolled professionals. Enroll yourself in the course from Redis experts. You can also register for Redis certifications here.

Key points:

• Learn from the experts themselves.
• They provide courses in batches, where you can learn among colleagues and experience interactive learning.
• You can regiser for your Redis certification here.

Pre-requisites: No prior Redis knowledge is required.

Duration: Tutor paced | Level: All levels | Access: Till course completes | Certificate: You can register for certifications.


That’s all about the top Redis courses online. Redis is a modern-day database solution, and it is a fast-paced, flexible solution utilized by leading companies all over the world. We hope the above list of consolidated best courses helps you in your learning journey. You may also want to check ElasticSearch, and Data Engineering courses.

Thanks for reading this article. Share it with your friends and colleagues if you found the list helpful. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to drop a note. Happy learning!


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